A quick glance at Human Televisions press photos might give you the idea that these Florida transplants are here to provide a dose of the unpretentious, substance-over-style rock music thats been missing for a few years now, or at least has been overshadowed by fashion-conscious revivalists of once forgotten genres. The band forgoes tight-fitting suits and asymmetrical haircuts in favor of a more laid back look: ragged jeans, hooded sweatshirts, and genuinely as opposed to stylishly messed up hair. Its a look that says, I know whats really important, and as some will recognize, its just as easily linked to early-90s American indie rock as all those suits and synths are to 80s New Wave. That link is even more evident once you spend some time with their debut full-length, Look At Who You’re Talking To.
The most immediately striking component of Human Televisions sound is the guitar. Its perpetually jangly and deliciously upbeat, calling to mind all those underrated Teen Beat and Sarah Records bands who stood at the forefront of what some considered a Golden Age for our lovably nerdy counterculture. The production style is understated and really, barely noticeable; everything’s crisp and relatively clear, but refreshingly free of any sterilizing sheen. The subject matter covered by frontman Billy Downing boredom, failed relationships, etc.