P.K.14 - Beijing based post-punk band. The abbreviated name P.K.14 is a continuous play on words. Primarily standing for Public Kingdom for Teens (青春公共王国), known to also stand for Pent Kilowatt One More Than Thirteen, Pelikan Kraut Seven Times Two and Psycho Killer Two Less Than Sixteen amongst others…
Founded 1997 in Nanjing by Yang Haisong, Sun Xia, Xu Feng and Yang Sen. P.K.14 played their first show in December of 1997 and since then they have released four albums and toured China and Europe extensively. Current line-up has gradually come together during the last seven years. The band is self managed and have released their material through Modern Sky, Sub Jam and Kuguabang. P.K.14 occupies a space in Chinese music that might be analogous to that of Television or the Talking Heads in the New York of the 1970s. They are among the most thoughtful and self-referential of bands, with an enormous curiosity about music coupled with a complete inability to care about musical fashion. Among the older bands ( i.e. those formed before 2002) they have the greatest influence on Beijing’s younger bands. But for all the love these bands have for P.K.14, and although they are at the heart of the Beijing scene and among the most loved and respected of the Chinese indie bands, at the same time they are unique and seem to be traveling in their own scene.
Vocals - Yang Haisong (杨海崧)
Guitar - Xu Bo (许波)
Drums - Jonathan (坛坛)
Bass - Shi Xudong (施旭东)

The critically acclaimed album by this veteran post-punk outfit in China. Released on Modern Sky Records.
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